Welcome to the Registration page! Here you will find all information on Pre-Registration as well as Registration at the door. Please make sure to read through all the information so that you don’t have any questions once you purchase your ticket. You can purchase your ticket here
Thursday: 6:00p – 10:00p
Friday: 8:00a – 10:00a
Registration Hours
Friday: 11:00a – 10:00p
Saturday: 9:00a – 10:00p
Sunday: 9:00a – 2:00p
*Badges will still be on sale after registration closes. Please come to con-ops for assistance.
At-the-Door Prices3 Day Passes: $60
3 Day Badge Price will increase on 6/21, 9/21, 12/20, and 2/1 to final price of $60
Single Day PricesFriday: $50 / Saturday: $55 / Sunday: $45
Children 10 and under are eligible for a free badge with the purchase of a parents badge. Only 2 children per parent badge. Any questions can be sent to!